
The Transformative Power of the Morning: How Our Writing Group Empowers Women of Color Writers

December 03, 20245 min read

Have you ever stared at a blank page with the daunting task of writing looming over you? You are not alone. Many writers struggle with maintaining consistency and motivation. But what if there was a magick formula to transform your writing journey into something more than you could’ve imagined? 

Now imagine starting your day with a group of like-minded individuals, all committed to the same goal: writing. And not just writing, but doing so, they can turn their message into a movement. Now, this isn't just any group, but a community that serves as a source of inspiration and a catalyst for consistent, healthy writing habits.

A Ritual of Transformation

The magick of our morning writing group lies in the healthy rhythm between our desire to be seen as human, especially when the rest of the world deems us invisible, and our voice on the page. Each session begins with grounding breaths. This shared experience allows for everything we may have carried into the virtual room to be released. It’s a ritual - a necessary practice you didn’t even know we were missing. As each of us inhales, we commit to ourselves, and when we exhale, we give life to everyone in the room. This collective invitation is a magickal motivator, guiding us through our writing journey 

The benefits of our morning writing group extend beyond the breath. The group provides designated time to your writing project, a platform for sharing ideas, learning and growing with our writing peers. We create a brave space for writers to express our fears (writing and otherwise), celebrate our victories (with pom-poms in hand), and navigate the often solitary journey of writing.

Our morning writing group has become a transformative, supportive community for new and more seasoned writers. Joan described the group as a "Wakanda for women of color writers–a safe space where we can be ourselves, seen, and receive support.”

Barbara shared that the group allows her to “show up as I am and dig deep into the layers that I need to dig deep into. I feel seen, reflected, and supported throughout the process.” Regina perhaps summed it up best, describing the group as “a place to breathe' where she can just show up as me and it's okay.” The deep connection, unity and restorative nature of this writing community has been impactful for so many members.


We have helped many writers overcome their challenges, transform their writing habits, and achieve their writing goals. It's a testament to the magick that can happen when writers come together, committed to supporting each other and holding each other in their respective light.

The magick of a morning writing group extends beyond the writing sessions. It's about the connections formed, the ideas shared, and the confidence gained. It's about witnessing the transformation of a rough draft into a piece of work we can all hold in our hands with pride. It's about the magick that happens when you're part of a community that understands your daily challenges as a woman of color and supports your growth.

What Makes Our Writing Group Unique?

Our morning writing group is the multi-generational family we’ve always desired to hold close. We celebrate each other's victories, no matter how small. We lift each other up during challenging times. We hold each other accountable, pushing each other to reach beyond our potential. We share our stories, our experiences, and our wisdom, so we can show up authentically on the page and in person.

Our morning writing group is not your average writing circle. Here's what sets us apart:

  1. Tight-knit Supportive Community: We're more than just a group; we're a family. We look out for each other, check in if someone is missing, and provide genuine support and connection.

  2. Authentic Self-Expression: Our group is a space where you can be completely unapologetic about who you are, what you stand for, and who you stand with.

  3. Designated Conversation Time: We have a structured format, with a specific 7-7:30am CT window for our sister circle community conversations. This creates a reliable container for members to open up and be vulnerable.

  4. Ritual and Intention-Setting: We start each week by setting our intention, which helps ground and focus, on Wednesday we celebrate our writing wins (again with pom-poms–I wasn’t kidding 😂), and on Fridays we dive into a writing exercise that uncovers many truths.

  5. Commitment and Longevity: What started off as a 2-month experiment has become an almost 2-year transformative experience for our members. This long-term investment sets us apart from more short-term writing groups.

The magick of our morning writing group is not just in the words we write, but in the bonds we form. It's in the laughter we share, the tears we shed, and the stories we tell. It's in the way we inspire each other to keep writing, to keep sharing, and to keep growing.

Let’s Interrogate

Ok, so one of my favorite things to do is to find out what’s really going on–like asking yourself the question of why to find the root cause of whatever your challenge may be. There’s no time like the present. So come on sing with me, “you gotta digggg a little deeper.” (Shout out to the soundtrack of the Princess and the Frog) 😂

  1. What's been your biggest challenge in maintaining a consistent writing habit and how do you think being part of a supportive writing group could help you overcome it?

  2. Can you share a time when being part of a community significantly impacted your personal or professional growth? What made that space strong? What made it challenging? 

  3. If you could be a part of a writing group just right for you, what unique elements would you want to see and why?

Let me know below. 

Are You Ready to Join the Magick?

Are you ready to transform your writing journey? Are you ready to be part of a community that understands your daily challenges as a woman of color and supports your writing growth? Don't wait. Join our writing group today and experience the magick for yourself. Not a morning person? I TOTALLY GET IT! No problem. We also gather in the evenings from 6:30-7:30p CT. Click here to join us now. 

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